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...Završne riječi Eliotove pjesme: Ovako svetu dođe kraj / Ne s tutnjem već s cviljenjem, šire se i ispunjavaju zatvoreni/otvoreni prostor izložbe The Holow Men sa figurama čija se metaforička i fizička praznina stapaju sa prazninom prostora, podsjećajući nas da je umjetnica shodno svojim sopstvenim zakonima na originalan način uspjela da pojmovno prenese u predstavni sadržaj, u gotovo opipljivi svijet tišine ispunjen nestvarnom atmosferom koja upozorava na prolaznost života i izvjesnost smrti.
Projekat The Hollow Men nastavio je da „živi”. On je dobio svoj neminovan nastavak, što je bilo za očekivati, s obzirom da je riječ o samosvojno izgrađenoj umjetnici, snažnoj stvaralačkoj personalnosti koja uvijek ide jedan korak dalje. Skulpture koje pripadaju navedenom projektu, za čiju je realizaciju bilo potrebno vrijeme, trud i ljubav Ivana uništava javnim činom spaljivanja koji je predstavljao ličnu žrtvu, samouništenje sebe kao stvaraoca u ime nekih drugih ideala, u ime umjetnosti koja treba da poveže i zbliži ljude, a lični je čin umjetnika na koji će to način uraditi. Prvi utisak ovog devastirajućeg akta izaziva osjećaj šoka, jer što je strašnije nego uništavanje vlastitog djela, međutim pred nama se, poslije trenutnog uzbuđenja/šoka otkriva njegova veličina. Nije slučajno da se Ivana u njegovom objašnjenju, poziva na Tibetansku knjigu mrtvih, po kojoj u svakom trenutku u nama nešto umire i nešto se ponovo rađa. Upravo, ovo je u Ivaninom slučaju neosporna istina, jer iz ova dva čina stvaralačkog/ uništavajućeg stvoreno je novo umjetničko djelo koja prezentuje na Venecijanskom bijenalu. Urna sa ostacima je jedina opipljiva stvarnost nečega što je prošlo, a što zapravo nikada nije nestalo. Video radovi na kojima je prezentovana izložba The Holow Men i Spaljivanje skulptura koje prate Eliotovi stihovi podsjećaju nas da ništa nije nepovratno izgubljeno - umjetnost je i ovdje dokazala da se kao feniks ponovo rađa iz pepela. U ovim nestabilnim vremenima u kojima je humanizam ugrožen postoji jedina nada da se kroz umjetnost ponovo pronađu izgubljene vrijednosti koje ovaj svijet čine dostojnim Čovjeka. Upravo svojim djelom Ivana je dala adekvatan odgovor na temu 57. Venecijanskog bijenala Viva Arte Viva.

(izvod iz teksta istoričarke umjetnosti Ljiljane Zeković za katalog 57. Venecijanskog bijenala)

57th International Art Exhibition VIVA ARTE VIVA

…The closing lines of Eliot's poem: This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper, spread out and fill the open/closed space of the exhibition The Hollow Men with figures whose metaphorical and physical void merges with the empty space. We are reminded that the artist succeeded in an original way, according to her own laws, to notionally transfer to a representative content the almost tangible world of silence, filled with unreal atmosphere that warns of the transience of life and the certainty of death.

The Hollow Men project continues to "live". It got its inevitable sequel, as it was perhaps expected, given that its creator is a unique, independent artist, a strong creative personality that always tries to go one step further. The sculptures of the said project, whose realization had required a significant amount of time, effort and love, were destroyed by Ivana in a public act of burning, which was at the same time a personal sacrifice. It was the self-destruction of the creator in the name of some other ideals, in the name of art that needs to connect and bring people together, so that the only choice that remained was to choose a way of doing this. The first impression of this act of devastation is a sense of shock – for what could be scarier than the destruction of one’s own works – but soon after the initial excitement we are confronted with the greatness of the act we have before us. It is no coincidence that Ivana, in the explanation of her work, refers to the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which claims that with every new moment, something dies and something is born anew in us. This is precisely the case with Ivana, because these two acts of creation / destruction created a new work of art that she presents at the Venice Biennale. The urn with the remains of the figures is the only tangible reality of what has passed, and which has never really disappeared. The video works on the exhibitions The Hollow Men and the Burning of Sculptures, accompanied by Eliot’s verses remind us that nothing is irretrievably lost – art has proven once again to be like a phoenix reborn from the ashes. In these volatile times in which humanism is threatened, the only hope is that through art it will be possible to once again find the lost values that make the world worthy of Man. In this sense, Ivana’s work is an adequate response to the topic of the 57th Venice Biennale – Viva Arte Viva.

(an excerpt from the article of art historian, LjiljanaZekovic for the catalogue of 57th Venice Biennale)